British Columbia : Founding Fathers : Province Within EIIR Canada Confederation : Since 1871

SINCE TIME BEGAN : salus populi suprema est lex - the right of the people is the supreme law : IN TRUTH WE TRUST
ETC 2 3 4 5 as related to the void Hudson's Bay Company Charter Fitzgerald Examinations : 1613 : Plantago : BC
In 1858 members of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) chose the name "British Columbia" to represent lands on the west coast of North America / Turtle Island North. And, it is through the British Colonial Office archives that it is determined that Great Britain solely relied upon HBC to act as its agent in acquiring lands across lands and waters north of the 49th parallel to establish the provinces and territories that commenced into the 1867 confederation. 

Rupert’s Land sold for 300,000 pounds - even though the HBC Charter specifically prohibited the purchasing of lands; only permitting the entering into of "trade relations" : it is noted that the HBC Charter became null and void in 1697.
These events had been preceded by the Empires of Russia and Great Britain establishing a demarcation line in the Pacific regions through the 1825 Treaty of St Petersburg. The Consecutively Settled Sovereign Peoples (CSSP) were not considered into this treaty due to historical European and Russian determinations (per the 9th and 15th century Catholic Papal Bulls that excluded indigenous Peoples as having adequate sophistication to conceive and govern lands or territories "terra nullius").
Territorial Integrity
Political governance of a defined land and resources relies, first, upon entitled individuals forming the founding  citizenry forum agreement to construct the declaration; followed by the constitution and charter statements.

The west coast of Turtle Island North (North America) north of the 49th parallel in 2016 remains as a non-treatied, non-acquiesced, not abandoned, not lost through warfare, non-defeated political tapestry of consecutively settled sovereign Peoples (CSSP).
These indigenous CSSP have occupied these territories for more than 13,500 years. An example of continued governance is the 10 million acres HRH Rocky Mountain Kelly lake Cree Nation State (absolute monarchy) lands in the north-eastern areas of "British Columbia"-which includes the 7th largest body of fresh water in the world (Williston Lake).
The consequence of these outstanding political matters bears significant importance upon the claims of EIIR Canada (constitutional monarchy); and, is the subject of credentials challenges at the United Nations since 2013.

The Canada Truth and Reconciliation 2015 Final Report; which repeatedly catalogued conclusions of historical genocide citations against the EIIR Canada Indian Residential and Day School operations.

In Summary : The claim of EIIR Canada to be a legitimate political entity entitled to UN membership (having been a League of Nations member; and, a founding UN member) rests with a validity of nation state staus; which becomes an illusion when the Hudson Bay Charter documents are tested through the historical UK parliamentary records - which reveal that the King Charles II HBC Charter required endoresment by either the long or short parliament of the day - and, it is through this proces that it arises that the HBC Charter became null and void in 1697; therein, negating any political accreditation substance to the claim of the British Colonial Office that they legitimately employed the HBC to purchase properties from the CSSPs across Canada - including, any properties called "British Columbia" ... While those CSSPs that did enter into the "Douglas Treaties" were entitled to sign treaties; the HBC did not possess political entitlement; and, thus, it would appear that even the sale by HBC to the Founding Fathers of "Canada" does not include validity ... Free Prior Informed Consent is relevant here, as it is historical that Douglas had the CSSP signatories attach "X" marks to blank paper - to which he later wrote in the "Terms and Conditions"; to which the CSSP leadership later objected to as not bearing truth, respect or friendship (Gus Wen Tah).

Today, CSSP leaders and citizenry are visibly challenging the political governance calim of paramount authority by EIIR Canada as being specious and not acceptable.
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